E' iniziata la campagna elettorale anche Cernusco.
Questo cartello sulla ristrutturazione delle case in Via Pietro da Cernusco (davanti alle Poste) ne è una chiara testimonianza.
Mi sembra che chi aveva tanto criticato Cassamagnaghi, durante il fine mandato della sua amministrazione, di utilizzare soldi pubblici per farsi campagna eletorale attraverso patinate brochure, non abbia resistito a fare altrettanto pur con differenti mezzi.
Dubbi sulla disarmante risposta del Sindaco in Consiglio Comunale all'interrogazione del consigliere Monti sulla bontà di tale operazione.
The Mayor responded by saying that the banner had paid a sponsorship.
He had never seen a sponsor to put in place its logo on the banner and the signature of the Mayor 's Deputy Mayor for Urban Planning.
New type of campaign contributions or new way of electioneering camouflaged?! Boh! I'm no expert and I can not answer.
And speaking of communication, despite cuts AUTHORITIES, screeching the € 80,000 budget allocated for the communication (which must be added the cost of the resources committed to it.)
The temptation to inform citizens of all the money for advertising is always borderline. It would be interesting
a conference on administrative and electioneering communication "hidden". Where to draw the line?
Profit reflection by all, from those who have both criticized the former directors who did all the money for a few campaign.
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