Mozione sul Testamento biologico presentata in Consiglio Comunale
Here is the text of the motion I tabled in the municipal council on March 1 that will be discussed at the next session.
Motion for a living will
Egr. President del Consiglio
Premesso che:
. l’articolo 32, comma 2, della Costituzione stabilisce che la legge in nessun caso può violare i limiti imposti dal rispetto della persona umana, cosicché neanche il Parlamento all’unanimità potrebbe imporre a qualcuno qualcosa che violi il rispetto della sua persona;
. l’articolo 3 della Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’Unione europea stabilisce che ogni individuo ha diritto alla propria integrità fisica e psichica;
. l’articolo 1 della legge n. 180 del 1978 stabilisce che i trattamenti sanitari qualora obbligatori possono essere disposti solo nel rispetto della dignità della persona e dei diritti civili e politici garantiti dalla Costituzione;
. if the right to health or other basic rights of equal rank because of their inherent essential character of the person who they play, the central importance of the principle of self-determination is to qualify them as true and just rights of freedom. It follows that every injured person in his physical and psychological integrity not only has the right to be treated, but claim a constitutionally qualified to be cared for in the terms in which he desires, is entirely up to him to decide which treatment to undergo or who refuse ;
. everyone has the right to refuse and not be forced to a specific medical treatment, as this right based on the availability of good health by the direct concerned and feeds into the informed consent to a particular health service;
. The Constitutional Court, in ruling number 438 of 2008, said that the patient's right to informed consent is a synthesis of two fundamental human rights: the right to health and to self-determination in order to ensure free and informed choice by the patient and, simultaneously, his own personal liberty under Article. 32, paragraph 2, of the Constitution;
. the Supreme Court, in Case Number 21748 of 2007, determined that nutrition and hydration is undoubtedly medical treatment and, therefore, as such withdrawals;
. patients who are unable to express their will on their care practices or practice must not, however, be discriminated against compared to patients unable to give consent, therefore if they can rebuild their wishes expressed when they were still able to do this must be respected to avoid them in the practice of certain medical treatments they refuse;
. does not exist in Italian law is a legal vacuum on the right of the person to state the medical treatment which should be submitted and those that waste, as they concern the refusal of care to the people's fundamental rights, such as self-determination, non c’è bisogno di riaffermarlo con una legge;
. il potere politico e quello legislativo non possono prevaricare la coscienza personale e operare in modo tale da sostituirsi alle decisioni libere e consapevoli dell’interessato, mentre devono intervenire al fine di favorire e assicurare il rispetto di tali libere decisioni;
considerato inoltre che:
. la legge stabilisce che la funzione di certezza circa la provenienza di dichiarazioni private può essere assicurata da pubblici ufficiali cui è affidato il potere di autenticare legalmente la sottoscrizione altrui previo accertamento dell’identità del dichiarante;
. tale funzione può essere svolta anche presso gli uffici municipali;
- at any time the registrant may change, alter or delete your own statement.
That said, I signed
advisers contend that the City Council gives a mandate to the City Council and the Mayor of
. Provide for the collection and storage of advance directives for medical treatment commonly called "advance directives", "testament of life" or "living will" at the municipal offices, a statement that can be changed or voided at any time by the individual.
. regulate any other matter necessary for better implementation of the provisions of this motion.
. Send a note to Parliament Italian who applies to abide by Article 32 of the Constitution and of the above circumstances and the principle of self-determination of personal conscience.
Claudio Gargantini - City Council independent
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