The English is the national language, spoken throughout the country, but with a slower pace and more musical than that of Spain. English is used in large tourist areas e negli hotel (soprattutto in Bassa California). Ma in alcune regioni interne vengono tuttora parlati numerosi dialetti e una piccola parte della popolazione non parla lo spagnolo.Formalità
Per i soggiorni turistici di una durata massima di 90 giorni non serve visto. È sufficiente avere il passaporto con validità di almeno 6 mesi oltre la data di rientro e il biglietto aereo di andata e ritorno o di continuazione del viaggio, oltre al modulo della carta turistica (detta FMT). La carta FMT è disponibile presso tutti i Consolati messicani, le compagnie aeree e gli uffici immigrazione situati all'ingresso del territorio messicano.Religions
Over 95% of Mexicans are Catholic and very practitioner, and about 4% are Protestants. But this is particularly Catholicism mixed and sees the integration of many Indian ancestral rites. Hence the fascination of death, inherited from the pre-Columbian civilizations and the vital elements of the Indians often find themselves side by side in the decoration of churches. A syncretism sometimes spectacular, as in some villages of Chiapas . Some traditional rituals have been passed in some isolated ethnic groups: consumption of the hallucinogenic peyote for their virtues at the Huicholes or rite of fertility Voladores at the Indians of Papantla. Finally, the sorcerer-healer, the "brujo", is an important character in rural life.Currency The official currency is the peso, in denominations of 20, 50 and 100. Should obtain small change (small shops, taxi drivers and street traders rarely have to change), and U.S. dollars. Foreign currencies are exchanged at banks and exchange offices, but the dollar is accepted more easily than the euro. Major credit cards (Visa, Mastercard / Eurocard et Amex) are accepted at most hotels, restaurants and shops in tourist areas. In some stores, however, card purchases di credito pagano un supplemento di 4 a 6% . Le grandi città dispongono di bancomat.
In aereo: La maggior parte dei voli internazionali arrivano a Città del Messico e voli locali collegano tutte le grandi città del paese. Viste le distanze davvero enormi, l'aereo è ancora il miglior mezzo per viaggiare rapidamente in Messico. Conviene prenotare con anticipo.In autobus: corse di autobus frequenti e puntuali collegano tutte le grandi città a prezzi economici. Vi consigliamo gli autobus "De Lujo" (di lusso) o "Primera clase" (1ª classe), più comodi, con aria condizionata e poche fermate, al contrario delle linee di "Segunda clase" (2ª class).
By car: You can rent vehicles (older than 21 years) at airports in the major resorts. Bring back the national license, credit card and passport. Car rental low category (Nissan Tsuru "or" Volkswagen Beetle ") is economic, as gasoline prices (Mexico is a major producer of oil). The general state of the roads leaves much to be desired, with the exception of major highways. Speed \u200b\u200blimits are fairly strict (from 30 to 50 km / h in urban areas, 90 national roads and 120 on motorways). The drivers in a hurry will have to pay attention to the "topes" (devices retarder) that mark the entrance to the cities and towns. Avoid driving at night. If someone in broad daylight beckons from the edge of a lonely road, do not stop.
General Recommendations: There is no required vaccinations. No need to antimalarial treatment. In tropical coastal regions, especially during the rainy season, after sunset is best to wear clothing that covers legs and arms and sprinkle the feet, hands and neck repellent lotion. The fly could be a loyal ally. Beware of sunburn, especially in areas where the sun is particularly hot as the South Coast of Yucatan and Baja California. The gastro-intestinal diseases are not uncommon for tourists, not unaccustomed to local culinary traditions and careless. We do not recommend consuming citrus or seafood kiosks that do not show the correct hygiene standards. Do not drink tap water and prefer bottled water, no ice, and avoid eating ice cream and sorbets. Bring your anti-diarrheal drugs. Cholera is not endemic but has not been completely eradicated. The precautions to be taken to not contract it (as with any diarrheal illness, often in the country and in the regions or tropical wetlands) consist mainly of good hygiene: Wash your hands often, especially before you eat, drink bottled water or boiled water, eat fruits and vegetables properly peeled, disinfected or boiled fish and seafood consumed well-cooked or fried. The water purification products are available in all supermarkets.Electricity 110 V. You need a transformer and an adapter for U.S. outlets (two flat pins). It is advisable to buy the transformer before leaving, because the place is very expensive. The same goes for batteries, which cost a fortune.
tourists visiting
More than 20 million foreign tourists visited Mexico in 2005 (ie a 10% in più rispetto all'anno precedente), di cui il 90% proveniente dagli Stati Uniti.I consigli di Viaggiaree:
Gli importi del tuo volo
1 adulto | 580,00 € |
Tasse e supplementi ![]() | 0,00 € |
Spese amministrative ![]() | 42,00 € |
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