Thursday, February 10, 2011

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Rio de Janeiro Flight + Hotel € 1,228

Rio de Janeiro is situated in the state in the south-east of the country.
The city (7,000,000 inhabitants) since 1960 even though he lost the title of political capital of Brazil can still rightly regarded as tourism, as well as cultural, the whole country. Situated in a prime location on ' Atlantic Ocean and the mountainous behind the Carioca , the city has always been throughout the centuries the subject of targeting all the people who tried to conquer the area, finding its moment of greatest expansion in the eighteenth century. when its port was passing the gold from the Minas Geiras.Grazie this enviable position, to the mild climate, the warmth of its people and, above all thanks to Carnival, the biggest festival in the world, Rio de Janeiro is certainly one of the most popular tourist destinations and sought after internationally, and is a fascinating place to have fun all day to the rhythm of samba.

The city is dominated by the famous statue of the Redeemer located on top of Corcovado, consists of historic districts that give name to the famous football clubs in the city (there are hundreds) and how Flamengo Botafogo from Maracanã, where is one of the biggest stadiums in the world, and the beach of Copacabana synonymous with fun, sun, football and beach volleyball, as well as beautiful girls in the world.
For the rest the city, unfortunately, appears mainly in the northern most part poor and infamous, who resides in the famous favelas (slums) in conditions of poverty and crime, and it should be noted that for security reasons should not leave money and valuables unattended and be wary of unknown places especially at night.
In the southern resident population rather wealthy.
Rio de Janeiro is famous all over the world for the samba, the sea, beer, and especially for the Carnival, when the Cariocas give vent to their passionate nature. The best time to visit the city is one that runs from January to September, and generally those who come to Rio for the first time he does during the Carnival celebrations. Today
Rio de Janeiro is a major tourist center , administrative, political and cultural Brazil and one of the best-known cities in the world.
The currency is the Real , and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil as a whole, is not very expensive for us Italians and offers solutions for every possibility and requirement. The official language is Portuguese, non è diffuso l’uso di altre lingue come l’inglese.


Il Centro: è quello che si sviluppa nei pressi dell’ Avenida Rio Branco e della Praça Floriano , la piazza più importante dell’intera città. Gli edifici che si situano qui sono la Camara Municipal , la Biblioteca Nacional , il Teatro Municipal e il Museo Nacional de las Belas Artes . Poco distante si is the colonial district of Santa Teresa .
Largo da Carioca: on adjacent streets are the best bars in Rio. At the top you will find the Convento Santo Antonio, where you can admire the Palazzo Petrobras and the Catedral Metropolitana .
The Corcovado: the peak, on which rises through the characteristic funicular is located in the attractive location on the Gulf and its end is the huge statue del Redentore , uno dei simboli di Rio de Janeiro, da cui si gode di uno splendido panorama sulla città.

Sambodromo: è un viale circondato da gradinate progettato per le sfilate del Carnevale in cui si trova il Museu do Carnaval utile da visitare per sapere tutto sul samba e sulla celebre manifestazione.
Spiagge: le spiagge hanno sempre rappresentato il luogo ideale dove vivere Rio e conoscere la sua gente e dove trascorrere ore listening to music, playing football, beach volleyball, sipping a beer and get to know other tourists and local people. Those that are worth visiting are Vermelha, named for the red sand, Urca, Flamengo, Botafogo and Leme. Just outside is the beach which can be regarded as the most popular beach in absolute Copacabana, for years a symbol synonymous with Rio in the world today may have lost some del suo fascino ma che rimane comunque una delle mete obbligate in città assieme a Ipanema , forse la più esclusiva di Rio.
Altre destinazioni a Rio de Janeiro: in città si possono visitare inoltre il Pao de Azucar (il Pan di Zucchero) dove si può salire per ammirare uno dei panorami più belli della città, Flamenco , ex quartiere residenziale dove si trovano dei locali notturni e dei ristoranti, l’ Isola di Paquetà , the Park of Tijuca and, for fans of football, the Maracana stadium , one of the largest in the world.

tips Viaggiaree:

Flight + Hotel

Aeroporto Othon
this hotel near the airport, is also located near the Museum of Art Modern Arcos da Lapa and Catedral de Sao ... + reviews
Hotel promotion - 3rd third night free
Book online or call 02 91483036 ThankYou
Holiday cost: € 1281
Save on Travel Expedia: - €53
tip Prezzo totale: € 1228

€ 1228
comprende: Volo + Hotel, taxes and fees

2.0 stelle Rio De Janeiro, Rio De Janeiro
Standard room-floor breakfast
includes: Full breakfast
Arrival: 30-Jun
Departure: 7-Jul
Hotel Review
3.6 out of 5 25 reviews Next
flight details
TAP Portugal London (LHR) to Rio de Janeiro (GIG) Start :30-Jun 6:35 to 15:50 TAP Portugal TAP Portugal
Rio de Janeiro (GIG) to Milan (LIN) Return: 7-Jul 22:55 to 22:55 (+1 day) TAP Portugal TAP Portugal


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