The beautiful Barrier Reef
The Great Barrier Reef is the largest organic structure of the planet stretches more than 2000 km along the northeast coast of Australia for about 23 ° latitude, going up to the Torres Strait and the Gulf of Papua, over a total area of \u200b\u200bnearly 350,000 square kilometers, is held in a nearly uniform distance of 80-100 km from the coast, from north to Townsville and further to the south leaves even up to 200 km .
is not a continuous structure, but consists of a maze of coral reefs, small islands, the channels through which they circulate strong currents, sand banks and shallow water, which emerge at low tide leaving corals.
The reef is a particular structure of limestone that forms a belt along the coastal mainland and islands in tropical seas, was formed over thousands of years with the aggregation of millions of shells of protozoa (corals, coral, sometimes calcareous algae), and especially of small polyps, which measure from 0.25 to 1.50 cm and secrete its limestone casing.
The octopus has the body-shaped bag on top crowned by a tuft of tiny tentacles, by which catch the food consists of microorganisms transported by water, and when it dies its shell is grounds for a new body, so that growing on the reef itself up to considerable depth.
barriers make it difficult access and the approach to Somalia, the New Caledonia, Australia, as he had the opportunity to experiment in 1770 James Cook on his first contact with the ill-fated Great Barrier Reef.
Monday, February 28, 2011
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Updown Court: Home of the world's most expensive
It 's the most expensive house in the world and has been voted number one in the special list of Forbes in 2007, the London residence of Updown Court well costs of $ 130 million . Cicondata by 58 acres of garden, consists of 103 rooms, five swimming pools, squash courts, bowling and tennis, and even has a cinema with as many as 50 seats, a platform track takeoff and landing helicopters, a large heated marble Avenue, several stables and a garage for ten-car limousine .
It 's the most expensive house in the world and has been voted number one in the special list of Forbes in 2007, the London residence of Updown Court well costs of $ 130 million . Cicondata by 58 acres of garden, consists of 103 rooms, five swimming pools, squash courts, bowling and tennis, and even has a cinema with as many as 50 seats, a platform track takeoff and landing helicopters, a large heated marble Avenue, several stables and a garage for ten-car limousine .
Sunday, February 20, 2011
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Omissioni e tagli sulla guerra
From read the article by Don Antonio Cecconi , former vice president of the Italian Caritas, on Adista number 13 on the omissions and silences on war and arms sales. Finmeccanica
While full-page advertising on the future of its weapon-making activities, Ignazio La Russa signed a contract to buy 131 fighter jets, touched the face of cuts to other ministries, honoring a commitment of the government led by Massimo D'Alema.
Investment Programme which was the abstention of the Democratic Party.
operation cost 15 billion euro. Umberto Veronesi
also had wrote about the huge investments on their weapons at the expense of those for research.
Unfortunately, only the weapons they will agree the right and left as the silence that covers one of the greatest crimes against humanity, namely the production and sale of weapons.
Think of how much work, effort and resources are devoted, in the twenty-first century, this market of death.
Can you believe it not for the figures that sometimes come to the surface. It seems only
a distant memory the thought of Don Primo Mazzolari who wrote as the weapons are built to be used and then to kill , unfortunately, I might add, even in "peacekeeping" .
invest in schools, in research and innovation rather than in the noise of war.
From read the article by Don Antonio Cecconi , former vice president of the Italian Caritas, on Adista number 13 on the omissions and silences on war and arms sales. Finmeccanica
While full-page advertising on the future of its weapon-making activities, Ignazio La Russa signed a contract to buy 131 fighter jets, touched the face of cuts to other ministries, honoring a commitment of the government led by Massimo D'Alema.
Investment Programme which was the abstention of the Democratic Party.
operation cost 15 billion euro. Umberto Veronesi
also had wrote about the huge investments on their weapons at the expense of those for research.
Unfortunately, only the weapons they will agree the right and left as the silence that covers one of the greatest crimes against humanity, namely the production and sale of weapons.
Think of how much work, effort and resources are devoted, in the twenty-first century, this market of death.
Can you believe it not for the figures that sometimes come to the surface. It seems only
a distant memory the thought of Don Primo Mazzolari who wrote as the weapons are built to be used and then to kill , unfortunately, I might add, even in "peacekeeping" .
invest in schools, in research and innovation rather than in the noise of war.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
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Italia e laicità
Secularism is the way of life the earth and the community of persons without being biased but as part of a whole which is shared citizenship.
Secularism is the starting point to get anywhere while remaining anchored to the DNA of human nature.
Secularism is not a conflict but the right position to see beyond, including that beyond that wants to believe in a future away from here.
This can truly enhance the spirituality, culture, differences.
So secularism alive, living in Italy.

Secularism is the way of life the earth and the community of persons without being biased but as part of a whole which is shared citizenship.
Secularism is the starting point to get anywhere while remaining anchored to the DNA of human nature.
Secularism is not a conflict but the right position to see beyond, including that beyond that wants to believe in a future away from here.
This can truly enhance the spirituality, culture, differences.
So secularism alive, living in Italy.
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Sunday, February 13, 2011
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Beijing Flights to / from € 468
Beijing, capital of China , today, not only the highest administrative and political center of the entire China, but also one of the most important cultural centers of the world developed greatly thanks to its geographical position has made it a crossroads of many foreign influences as well as commercial and cultural exchanges.
In recent years, Beijing's ancient cradle of ' Chinese empire and the many dynasties, was demolished to make way for numerous developments that have made the city a modern capital and advanced technology, but the charm of the Eastern tradition was not lost, and perhaps most importantly, thanks to some neighborhoods, remained intact taste of history: the Forbidden City testify or the Imperial City, with their temples and their palaces, the size of the Chinese dynasties that have turned China into a powerful nation.
Beijing is very cold throughout the ' winter, with temperatures often reach -20 °, while the' summer is very hot especially in July and August, climate is characterized by hot summers and cold winters with heavy temperature changes between day and night, the rainy season lasts from June to September, with more abundant rainfall in July and August.
The form of government is a Parliamentary Republic , the currency is the Yuan , divided into 100 fen, the official language is Chinese, even if it is the ubiquitous' English .
The official religion is Buddhism , ma sono presenti minoranze che professano la religione islamica, cristiana e taoista.
Sicuramente da non perdere una volta arrivati a Pechino è la visita alla più grande piazza del Mondo Piazza Tian An Men , che rappresenta il centro della città ed è il principale punto di partenza di qualunque visita: dalla Città Proibita ai molti musei presenti.
Da visitare anche i numerosi templi , risalenti alle epoche Ming and Manchus, not to be missed, also, the Museum of Chinese History and the Great Hall of the People .
10 km, is one of the largest works ever created by man: the Wall of China, about 7000 km long, wide and seven meters high between eight and eleven meters was built using about 15 years, his primary function was to repulse the attacks of the people who wanted to enter China in particular, the population of Mongols.
Beijing is also famous for trade, it is possible to find entire neighborhoods dedicated to a particular product, there are areas where there is a widespread sale of computer products, where the only other textiles, clothing and equipment textile industry in general, another dedicated to ' antiques but also to chinoiserie, and much more.
tips Viaggiaree:
For more details click here
Beijing, capital of China , today, not only the highest administrative and political center of the entire China, but also one of the most important cultural centers of the world developed greatly thanks to its geographical position has made it a crossroads of many foreign influences as well as commercial and cultural exchanges.
In recent years, Beijing's ancient cradle of ' Chinese empire and the many dynasties, was demolished to make way for numerous developments that have made the city a modern capital and advanced technology, but the charm of the Eastern tradition was not lost, and perhaps most importantly, thanks to some neighborhoods, remained intact taste of history: the Forbidden City testify or the Imperial City, with their temples and their palaces, the size of the Chinese dynasties that have turned China into a powerful nation.
Beijing is very cold throughout the ' winter, with temperatures often reach -20 °, while the' summer is very hot especially in July and August, climate is characterized by hot summers and cold winters with heavy temperature changes between day and night, the rainy season lasts from June to September, with more abundant rainfall in July and August.
The form of government is a Parliamentary Republic , the currency is the Yuan , divided into 100 fen, the official language is Chinese, even if it is the ubiquitous' English .
The official religion is Buddhism , ma sono presenti minoranze che professano la religione islamica, cristiana e taoista.
Da Vedere
Sicuramente da non perdere una volta arrivati a Pechino è la visita alla più grande piazza del Mondo Piazza Tian An Men , che rappresenta il centro della città ed è il principale punto di partenza di qualunque visita: dalla Città Proibita ai molti musei presenti.
Da visitare anche i numerosi templi , risalenti alle epoche Ming and Manchus, not to be missed, also, the Museum of Chinese History and the Great Hall of the People .
10 km, is one of the largest works ever created by man: the Wall of China, about 7000 km long, wide and seven meters high between eight and eleven meters was built using about 15 years, his primary function was to repulse the attacks of the people who wanted to enter China in particular, the population of Mongols.
Beijing is also famous for trade, it is possible to find entire neighborhoods dedicated to a particular product, there are areas where there is a widespread sale of computer products, where the only other textiles, clothing and equipment textile industry in general, another dedicated to ' antiques but also to chinoiserie, and much more.
tips Viaggiaree:
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14:40 Partenza Milano (MXP) Arrivo Pechino (PEK) 09:50 | gio 30-giu Durata: 13h 10m |
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02:30 Depart Beijing (PEK) Arrive London (LHR) 13:50 | Thurs 7-Jul Length: 17h 20m |
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Saturday, February 12, 2011
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Testamento biologico. La consapevolezza dell'ultima ora rimanga ad ognuno di noi.
The media silence is about to arrive in the Chamber of Deputies the bill on living wills in which you want to require the care that he is no longer able to be aware of his own life.
After a lifetime in which politics, society and the church invited to the awareness and responsibility, when this ends, they force you to keep "life" body with a coercion that results in the invasion of personal liberty the highest point of his life, death.
I thank the Senator Marino for updates that gets through his fb page along with Radicals, as well as Waldensian church, which reminds us how many Christians with their churches, including Catholics, think differently from the Italian bishops' conference , regarding living wills.
Here is the directive and form of German Catholic Bishops' Conference drawn up jointly with the Council of Churches Gospel in Germany.
Here the form on this site Umberto Veronesi
Segnalo the spot of doctors CGIL, I Do not force Curò that quoting the code dontologico and the Constitution of the Italian Republic Article 32 , recall as no one can be obliged to undergo medical treatment.
Article 32.
The Republic protects health as a fundamental right of the individual and collective interest, and guarantees free medical care to the indigent.
Nobody can be forced to a specific medical treatment unless required by law. The law may in no case violate the limits imposed by respect for the human person.
admit that even without them I would have lost, as would be lost if I did my living will.
Signature too the appeal to self-determination in their lives.
The media silence is about to arrive in the Chamber of Deputies the bill on living wills in which you want to require the care that he is no longer able to be aware of his own life.
After a lifetime in which politics, society and the church invited to the awareness and responsibility, when this ends, they force you to keep "life" body with a coercion that results in the invasion of personal liberty the highest point of his life, death.
I thank the Senator Marino for updates that gets through his fb page along with Radicals, as well as Waldensian church, which reminds us how many Christians with their churches, including Catholics, think differently from the Italian bishops' conference , regarding living wills.
Here is the directive and form of German Catholic Bishops' Conference drawn up jointly with the Council of Churches Gospel in Germany.
Here the form on this site Umberto Veronesi
Segnalo the spot of doctors CGIL, I Do not force Curò that quoting the code dontologico and the Constitution of the Italian Republic Article 32 , recall as no one can be obliged to undergo medical treatment.
Article 32.
The Republic protects health as a fundamental right of the individual and collective interest, and guarantees free medical care to the indigent.
Nobody can be forced to a specific medical treatment unless required by law. The law may in no case violate the limits imposed by respect for the human person.
admit that even without them I would have lost, as would be lost if I did my living will.
Signature too the appeal to self-determination in their lives.
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Sociale.Cernusco BeneComune.Cernusco
greet with pleasure the new blog cernuschese, Sociale.Cernusco BeneComune.Cernusco , 's Councillor for Social Services and Rita Zecchini City Council of the PRC Ermes Severgnini.
acknowledge the commitment of our social commitment on a daily basis for the common good.
common good that is not a magic word that protects against possible waste or from wrong choices.
on this is always useful to compare not fall into the temptation of good faith electoral politics or propaganda.
Good luck comrades!
greet with pleasure the new blog cernuschese, Sociale.Cernusco BeneComune.Cernusco , 's Councillor for Social Services and Rita Zecchini City Council of the PRC Ermes Severgnini.
acknowledge the commitment of our social commitment on a daily basis for the common good.
common good that is not a magic word that protects against possible waste or from wrong choices.
on this is always useful to compare not fall into the temptation of good faith electoral politics or propaganda.
Good luck comrades!
Friday, February 11, 2011
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The Niagara Falls
not the biggest or the highest in the world, probably the most famous, the Niagara Falls are located in North America , literally on the border between the U.S. and Canada, in the Great Lakes, along the waterway, which connects Lake Ontario to Lake Erie. Near the waterfalls have developed two cities, Niagara Falls and Niagara Falls, which have 80,000 Canadians and 50,000 U.S. citizens. Niagara Falls, then count the two states, two cities, two lakes, three waterfalls One of them, the Horseshoe Falls (the falls in the shape of a horse) are located in Canada, and the two others, on American soil, the American Falls and Bridal Veil Falls (Bridal Veil Falls), with among these impressive watery thunder, the spur of the Goat Island (Goat Island). Apart from the airport to Niagara Falls (Canada), where land and private aircraft charter, the two nearest airports are those Buffalo ( USA), which is about a half hour trip, to Toronto, about 1 hour and 1 / 2. If we get here from New York, it takes between 7 and 8 hours of travel, to travel more than 760 kilometers separating the Big Apple from Niagara Falls.
not the biggest or the highest in the world, probably the most famous, the Niagara Falls are located in North America , literally on the border between the U.S. and Canada, in the Great Lakes, along the waterway, which connects Lake Ontario to Lake Erie. Near the waterfalls have developed two cities, Niagara Falls and Niagara Falls, which have 80,000 Canadians and 50,000 U.S. citizens. Niagara Falls, then count the two states, two cities, two lakes, three waterfalls One of them, the Horseshoe Falls (the falls in the shape of a horse) are located in Canada, and the two others, on American soil, the American Falls and Bridal Veil Falls (Bridal Veil Falls), with among these impressive watery thunder, the spur of the Goat Island (Goat Island). Apart from the airport to Niagara Falls (Canada), where land and private aircraft charter, the two nearest airports are those Buffalo ( USA), which is about a half hour trip, to Toronto, about 1 hour and 1 / 2. If we get here from New York, it takes between 7 and 8 hours of travel, to travel more than 760 kilometers separating the Big Apple from Niagara Falls.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
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Rio de Janeiro Flight + Hotel € 1,228
Rio de Janeiro is situated in the state in the south-east of the country.
The city (7,000,000 inhabitants) since 1960 even though he lost the title of political capital of Brazil can still rightly regarded as tourism, as well as cultural, the whole country. Situated in a prime location on ' Atlantic Ocean and the mountainous behind the Carioca , the city has always been throughout the centuries the subject of targeting all the people who tried to conquer the area, finding its moment of greatest expansion in the eighteenth century. when its port was passing the gold from the Minas Geiras.Grazie this enviable position, to the mild climate, the warmth of its people and, above all thanks to Carnival, the biggest festival in the world, Rio de Janeiro is certainly one of the most popular tourist destinations and sought after internationally, and is a fascinating place to have fun all day to the rhythm of samba.
The city is dominated by the famous statue of the Redeemer located on top of Corcovado, consists of historic districts that give name to the famous football clubs in the city (there are hundreds) and how Flamengo Botafogo from Maracanã, where is one of the biggest stadiums in the world, and the beach of Copacabana synonymous with fun, sun, football and beach volleyball, as well as beautiful girls in the world.
For the rest the city, unfortunately, appears mainly in the northern most part poor and infamous, who resides in the famous favelas (slums) in conditions of poverty and crime, and it should be noted that for security reasons should not leave money and valuables unattended and be wary of unknown places especially at night.
In the southern resident population rather wealthy.
Rio de Janeiro is famous all over the world for the samba, the sea, beer, and especially for the Carnival, when the Cariocas give vent to their passionate nature. The best time to visit the city is one that runs from January to September, and generally those who come to Rio for the first time he does during the Carnival celebrations. Today
Rio de Janeiro is a major tourist center , administrative, political and cultural Brazil and one of the best-known cities in the world.
The currency is the Real , and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil as a whole, is not very expensive for us Italians and offers solutions for every possibility and requirement. The official language is Portuguese, non è diffuso l’uso di altre lingue come l’inglese.
Il Centro: è quello che si sviluppa nei pressi dell’ Avenida Rio Branco e della Praça Floriano , la piazza più importante dell’intera città. Gli edifici che si situano qui sono la Camara Municipal , la Biblioteca Nacional , il Teatro Municipal e il Museo Nacional de las Belas Artes . Poco distante si is the colonial district of Santa Teresa .
Largo da Carioca: on adjacent streets are the best bars in Rio. At the top you will find the Convento Santo Antonio, where you can admire the Palazzo Petrobras and the Catedral Metropolitana .
The Corcovado: the peak, on which rises through the characteristic funicular is located in the attractive location on the Gulf and its end is the huge statue del Redentore , uno dei simboli di Rio de Janeiro, da cui si gode di uno splendido panorama sulla città.
Sambodromo: è un viale circondato da gradinate progettato per le sfilate del Carnevale in cui si trova il Museu do Carnaval utile da visitare per sapere tutto sul samba e sulla celebre manifestazione.
Spiagge: le spiagge hanno sempre rappresentato il luogo ideale dove vivere Rio e conoscere la sua gente e dove trascorrere ore listening to music, playing football, beach volleyball, sipping a beer and get to know other tourists and local people. Those that are worth visiting are Vermelha, named for the red sand, Urca, Flamengo, Botafogo and Leme. Just outside is the beach which can be regarded as the most popular beach in absolute Copacabana, for years a symbol synonymous with Rio in the world today may have lost some del suo fascino ma che rimane comunque una delle mete obbligate in città assieme a Ipanema , forse la più esclusiva di Rio.
Altre destinazioni a Rio de Janeiro: in città si possono visitare inoltre il Pao de Azucar (il Pan di Zucchero) dove si può salire per ammirare uno dei panorami più belli della città, Flamenco , ex quartiere residenziale dove si trovano dei locali notturni e dei ristoranti, l’ Isola di Paquetà , the Park of Tijuca and, for fans of football, the Maracana stadium , one of the largest in the world.
tips Viaggiaree:
Rio de Janeiro is situated in the state in the south-east of the country.
The city (7,000,000 inhabitants) since 1960 even though he lost the title of political capital of Brazil can still rightly regarded as tourism, as well as cultural, the whole country. Situated in a prime location on ' Atlantic Ocean and the mountainous behind the Carioca , the city has always been throughout the centuries the subject of targeting all the people who tried to conquer the area, finding its moment of greatest expansion in the eighteenth century. when its port was passing the gold from the Minas Geiras.Grazie this enviable position, to the mild climate, the warmth of its people and, above all thanks to Carnival, the biggest festival in the world, Rio de Janeiro is certainly one of the most popular tourist destinations and sought after internationally, and is a fascinating place to have fun all day to the rhythm of samba.
The city is dominated by the famous statue of the Redeemer located on top of Corcovado, consists of historic districts that give name to the famous football clubs in the city (there are hundreds) and how Flamengo Botafogo from Maracanã, where is one of the biggest stadiums in the world, and the beach of Copacabana synonymous with fun, sun, football and beach volleyball, as well as beautiful girls in the world.
For the rest the city, unfortunately, appears mainly in the northern most part poor and infamous, who resides in the famous favelas (slums) in conditions of poverty and crime, and it should be noted that for security reasons should not leave money and valuables unattended and be wary of unknown places especially at night.
In the southern resident population rather wealthy.
Rio de Janeiro is famous all over the world for the samba, the sea, beer, and especially for the Carnival, when the Cariocas give vent to their passionate nature. The best time to visit the city is one that runs from January to September, and generally those who come to Rio for the first time he does during the Carnival celebrations. Today
Rio de Janeiro is a major tourist center , administrative, political and cultural Brazil and one of the best-known cities in the world.
The currency is the Real , and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil as a whole, is not very expensive for us Italians and offers solutions for every possibility and requirement. The official language is Portuguese, non è diffuso l’uso di altre lingue come l’inglese.
Il Centro: è quello che si sviluppa nei pressi dell’ Avenida Rio Branco e della Praça Floriano , la piazza più importante dell’intera città. Gli edifici che si situano qui sono la Camara Municipal , la Biblioteca Nacional , il Teatro Municipal e il Museo Nacional de las Belas Artes . Poco distante si is the colonial district of Santa Teresa .
Largo da Carioca: on adjacent streets are the best bars in Rio. At the top you will find the Convento Santo Antonio, where you can admire the Palazzo Petrobras and the Catedral Metropolitana .
The Corcovado: the peak, on which rises through the characteristic funicular is located in the attractive location on the Gulf and its end is the huge statue del Redentore , uno dei simboli di Rio de Janeiro, da cui si gode di uno splendido panorama sulla città.
Sambodromo: è un viale circondato da gradinate progettato per le sfilate del Carnevale in cui si trova il Museu do Carnaval utile da visitare per sapere tutto sul samba e sulla celebre manifestazione.
Spiagge: le spiagge hanno sempre rappresentato il luogo ideale dove vivere Rio e conoscere la sua gente e dove trascorrere ore listening to music, playing football, beach volleyball, sipping a beer and get to know other tourists and local people. Those that are worth visiting are Vermelha, named for the red sand, Urca, Flamengo, Botafogo and Leme. Just outside is the beach which can be regarded as the most popular beach in absolute Copacabana, for years a symbol synonymous with Rio in the world today may have lost some del suo fascino ma che rimane comunque una delle mete obbligate in città assieme a Ipanema , forse la più esclusiva di Rio.
Altre destinazioni a Rio de Janeiro: in città si possono visitare inoltre il Pao de Azucar (il Pan di Zucchero) dove si può salire per ammirare uno dei panorami più belli della città, Flamenco , ex quartiere residenziale dove si trovano dei locali notturni e dei ristoranti, l’ Isola di Paquetà , the Park of Tijuca and, for fans of football, the Maracana stadium , one of the largest in the world.
tips Viaggiaree:
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