Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What Is A Star On Your Palm Mean

all women


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Parotid Salivary Glandalcohol

finally the extraction arrived

the winner is gabe send me an email soon for a new giveaway

Friday, March 4, 2011

Career Stimulus Package Scholarship Scam

Gli insuccessi sulla scuola dell' Amministrazione Comincini

Here is the article that appeared in the bimonthly city out of the ordinary in our homes these days, and what I could write for lack of space.

The school is a common good. Facciamocela not snatch!

A Cernusco cuts of right-wing government have been joined by the City Council of the left right through the Plan to Study approved by City Council in PD, and Living Cernusco Rifondazione Comunista.

in brief cuts made. Teaching materials from 36,000 to 24,736 € (-31%). Educational projects from 80,000 to 51,432 (-35%). Contributions to the initiatives of other departments, from 23,500 to 6,200 (- 73%). Support for disability 465.134 a 411.706 (-11,50 % ) nonostante l’aumento dei casi da seguire.
L’aumento per il Buono pasto grava più sui genitori (+0.08) che sull’amministrazione (+0.06).

Ai tagli si aggiungono le discriminazioni sulle scuole paritarie dell’infanzia. La cattolica Sorre mantiene i 300.000 euro dell’anno scorso (1.500.000 in 5 anni stipulati nel 2009) mentre la steineriana l’Altalena non riceve contributi e si vede aumentare dal comune l’affitto (+30% dal 2008)
Una discriminazione che rischia di penalizzare la libera scelta dei genitori per le conseguenti rette.

Aumenti di contributi per l’Afol da 8.500 a 15.000 (+76%), e per il CAG Friends da 90.000, in consiglio, a 102.000 in giunta(+13%).

Se da una parte la giunta Comincini alza la voce contro il governo centrale dall’ altra si comporta allo stesso modo tagliando, tagliando, tagliando.

Occorre riconsiderare la scuola come una scelta prioritaria negli investimenti, recuperando le risorse necessarie per un servizio che è alla base della crescita della nostra città.

Claudio Gargantini consigliere comunale indipendente

Mi hanno concesso 1440 battute con tolleranza 10 % quindi non o potuto sottolineare che:

- In tema di nidi , ricordo la rinuncia al nido a Ronco monetizzato per le case sociali.
Va bene le case ma perchè We must always put the children?

- In the area of \u200b\u200bmaternal discrimination is felt even more if we think that those who enroll their children in the school's equal Marcelline Sorre not have to present certification Isee how to make their nests together for good or for school, but only a self-certification.
Let's say in the country of tax evaders have to secure a 'self-certification will also be an act of good faith, however, clashes with common sense and respect the agreed rules.
In this way the contribution of the municipality to the school going to rain on everyone, including those who do not need them.
say about 1300 € per child regardless of economic situation family.
not fair!

- public assembly. Having called attention to the issue by convening a school council open to indicate the cuts by the Berlusconi government, the air is turned by rain also critical of the choices left to Cernusco, and sorry to have noticed the city council for navigation as expressed in sight the Assembly sought to avoid public parents.
A good example of participation in which the assembly, this flatness in general, should be welcomed with open arms. Instead
better to refrain if possible until you fix things.
Participation is as such, not as it suits them, I would say this cernuschese left.

- The Aurora private school - which according Bachelet promises to be ready in September 2011 to free the 25 public school classrooms now occupied, will not be ready.
should be noted that to date have not even started work, and perhaps was not even signed the convention.
So no school for 2011 and no classrooms.
But these little "failures" the silent majority.

-The new school campus located at Ronco, then moved to the area Boccaccio. New promises but with little conviction and certainly not seen any plans yet.

- On the subject of a Cernusco University, will in the history of the missed opportunity to keep the Faculty of Kinesiology in our city.
Not just for the prestige and opportunities for training and sports that it would bring but also for the "pull" it would have been against the trade, the road system (one point more for the third subway station), for 'arrival of other sports federations or companies for possible collaboration.

- Add to this the lack of movement ' Ipsia which together with the faculty, the new school Aurora-Bachelet, the new sports facilities have transformed Cernusco Via Buonarroti, by super-polo school sports that would be created, in Lombard but a jewel not only Italian.

Just a dream book, as is often said to the mayor?
Or rather a grave sin of omission, as I always say!?

And again the responsibility of whoever is ruling Cernusco are many and important.

To conclude on the school, it seems to me that if majority of city government, more than yelling at the wolf the wolf to the central government cuts in school focused on the opportunities that the past has left him and the resurfacing this presents him, it would be much, much better.

itself, but especially for the city.

What Is Your Meaning Of Love

Il vostro affezionatissimo intervistato da In Folio

Ecco qui l'intervista.

How To Build A Kegerator

A Cernusco è iniziata la campagna elettorale

E' iniziata la campagna elettorale anche Cernusco.
Questo cartello sulla ristrutturazione delle case in Via Pietro da Cernusco (davanti alle Poste) ne è una chiara testimonianza.

Mi sembra che chi aveva tanto criticato Cassamagnaghi, durante il fine mandato della sua amministrazione, di utilizzare soldi pubblici per farsi campagna eletorale attraverso patinate brochure, non abbia resistito a fare altrettanto pur con differenti mezzi.

Dubbi sulla disarmante risposta del Sindaco in Consiglio Comunale all'interrogazione del consigliere Monti sulla bontà di tale operazione.
The Mayor responded by saying that the banner had paid a sponsorship.

He had never seen a sponsor to put in place its logo on the banner and the signature of the Mayor 's Deputy Mayor for Urban Planning.

New type of campaign contributions or new way of electioneering camouflaged?! Boh! I'm no expert and I can not answer.

And speaking of communication, despite cuts AUTHORITIES, screeching the € 80,000 budget allocated for the communication (which must be added the cost of the resources committed to it.)

The temptation to inform citizens of all the money for advertising is always borderline. It would be interesting

a conference on administrative and electioneering communication "hidden". Where to draw the line?

Profit reflection by all, from those who have both criticized the former directors who did all the money for a few campaign.

Why Does My Dog Get Warts?

Petizione per il biglietto unico metropolitano

Signals from the site Living Cernusco the petition which can only be of interest to the inhabitants of Cernusco and Milan hinterland.

The current management of the Milan metro system severely penalizes those who live outside Milan. The people who regularly use public transport, giving up a private car, are located in:

-bear a disproportionate rates urban areas. Over the past 10 years is still only increased the cost of the ticket while the extra-urban ticket was on the 1 euro

-take advantage of a significantly lower number of strokes

-old and dilapidated stations have
not be eligible of facilities such as the book of 10 trips.

We urge that the Milan Municipality, Province and Region of Commons and listen to the demands of the citizens of the hinterland for a more equitable public transport.

Our common with others, is mobilizing support them with our signatures

I signed. You can too clicking here!

I note that the reasons for the petition regarding the old and dilapidated stations have stride a little bit on the website of Living Cernusco as their non-acceptance of the proposal to move the Ipsia by Living, made by previous administrations, has denied the possibility of having a modern resort atmosphere.

there I still have hope.
In this case there would be no winners or losers but only one city, and a station, more modern.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Drip Hose For Water Heater

Mozione sul Testamento biologico presentata in Consiglio Comunale

Here is the text of the motion I tabled in the municipal council on March 1 that will be discussed at the next session.

Motion for a living will
Egr. President del Consiglio
Premesso che:
. l’articolo 32, comma 2, della Costituzione stabilisce che la legge in nessun caso può violare i limiti imposti dal rispetto della persona umana, cosicché neanche il Parlamento all’unanimità potrebbe imporre a qualcuno qualcosa che violi il rispetto della sua persona;
. l’articolo 3 della Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’Unione europea stabilisce che ogni individuo ha diritto alla propria integrità fisica e psichica;
. l’articolo 1 della legge n. 180 del 1978 stabilisce che i trattamenti sanitari qualora obbligatori possono essere disposti solo nel rispetto della dignità della persona e dei diritti civili e politici garantiti dalla Costituzione;
. if the right to health or other basic rights of equal rank because of their inherent essential character of the person who they play, the central importance of the principle of self-determination is to qualify them as true and just rights of freedom. It follows that every injured person in his physical and psychological integrity not only has the right to be treated, but claim a constitutionally qualified to be cared for in the terms in which he desires, is entirely up to him to decide which treatment to undergo or who refuse ;
. everyone has the right to refuse and not be forced to a specific medical treatment, as this right based on the availability of good health by the direct concerned and feeds into the informed consent to a particular health service;
. The Constitutional Court, in ruling number 438 of 2008, said that the patient's right to informed consent is a synthesis of two fundamental human rights: the right to health and to self-determination in order to ensure free and informed choice by the patient and, simultaneously, his own personal liberty under Article. 32, paragraph 2, of the Constitution;
. the Supreme Court, in Case Number 21748 of 2007, determined that nutrition and hydration is undoubtedly medical treatment and, therefore, as such withdrawals;
. patients who are unable to express their will on their care practices or practice must not, however, be discriminated against compared to patients unable to give consent, therefore if they can rebuild their wishes expressed when they were still able to do this must be respected to avoid them in the practice of certain medical treatments they refuse;

. does not exist in Italian law is a legal vacuum on the right of the person to state the medical treatment which should be submitted and those that waste, as they concern the refusal of care to the people's fundamental rights, such as self-determination, non c’è bisogno di riaffermarlo con una legge;
. il potere politico e quello legislativo non possono prevaricare la coscienza personale e operare in modo tale da sostituirsi alle decisioni libere e consapevoli dell’interessato, mentre devono intervenire al fine di favorire e assicurare il rispetto di tali libere decisioni;

considerato inoltre che:
. la legge stabilisce che la funzione di certezza circa la provenienza di dichiarazioni private può essere assicurata da pubblici ufficiali cui è affidato il potere di autenticare legalmente la sottoscrizione altrui previo accertamento dell’identità del dichiarante;
. tale funzione può essere svolta anche presso gli uffici municipali;
- at any time the registrant may change, alter or delete your own statement.

That said, I signed
advisers contend that the City Council gives a mandate to the City Council and the Mayor of
. Provide for the collection and storage of advance directives for medical treatment commonly called "advance directives", "testament of life" or "living will" at the municipal offices, a statement that can be changed or voided at any time by the individual.
. regulate any other matter necessary for better implementation of the provisions of this motion.
. Send a note to Parliament Italian who applies to abide by Article 32 of the Constitution and of the above circumstances and the principle of self-determination of personal conscience.

Claudio Gargantini - City Council independent

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Images Of Ringworm Is Healing

The ten most visited countries of the United States

La top ten dei dieci paesi più visitati degli Stati Uniti si apre con la californiana San Diego , che grazie alle sue spiagge per surfisti, ai parchi acquatici del Gaslamp Quarter attira poco meno di trenta milioni di turisti l'anno, molti di questi americani. La fatidica soglia è invece superata da Philadelphia , i cui 30 milioni 320 mila visitatori sono attirati soprattutto dal suo impianto museale che ruota attorno alla Costituzione e alla Dichiarazione d'Indipendenza. Città molto moderna è Houston , dove ogni anno arrivano più di 31 milioni di persone , attirate soprattutto dallo Space Center della Nasa intitolato a Lindon Johnson e dal complesso di montagne russe and now the Kemah Boardwalk. Are conventions and meetings to bring in the deep south of Atlanta , Georgia, 35 million 400 thousand people a year.

San Diego
The sixth and fifth place in the top ten are the prerogative of the temples of Americans' Excess: If the chance of Las Vegas is irresistible to more than 36,350,000 tourists, beaches studded with luxury and beautiful women in Miami are worth more than 38 million visits a year. But children's wishes are more than those of adults, as fourth place if they won the zone of Anaheim and Orange County, where there are the "Kingdom of Mickey Mouse" Disneyland and Disney's California Adventure Park.

Las Vegas
In third position we find Chicago, which Obama strong effect of nearly 45,600,000 visitors each year, preceded by New York, much loved by foreigners but not by American travelers for a total of 47 million tourists round, round. And in first place chi si piazza? Forse Los Angeles con i suoi divi e il fascino dell'oceano e Beverly Hills? San Francisco con i suoi colli, le università e il Golden Gate? Niente affatto: la città più visitata degli Stati Uniti è Orlando in Florida , dove Disney World da solo è in grado di calamitare quasi 17 milioni di persone. Il resto lo fanno i campi da golf, Sea World e il resort cinematografico della Universal, che porta il saldo delle visite a ben 48 milioni di presenze.

San Francisco
New York

Prepyloric Ulcer Diabetes

The ten most luxurious hotel in the world

Se siete in Cerca di Lusso estremo e avete un portafogli bello pieno, allora questi Hotel fanno per voi. Forse chiamarli Hotel è poco sono dei veri e propri paradisi in terra, con una cura nei servizi, arredamenti, e materiali che li rendono unici.

 Ecco una lista dei 10 Hotel più lussuosi del mondo:

10. Suite impériale, Park Hyatt-Vendôme, a Parigi. 15.500 dollari a notte.
Le immagini dei dieci hotel più lussuosi del mondo Le immagini dei dieci hotel più lussuosi del mondo Le immagini dei dieci hotel più lussuosi del mondo

9. La Suite Royale, Four Seasons George V, a Parigi. 16.000 dollari a notte.
Le immagini dei dieci hotel più lussuosi del mondo Le immagini dei dieci hotel più lussuosi del mondo Le immagini dei dieci hotel più lussuosi del mondo
8. Royal Armleder Suite, Le Richemond in Geneva. $ 17,500 per night.
Le immagini dei dieci hotel più lussuosi del mondo Le immagini dei dieci hotel più lussuosi del mondo Le immagini dei dieci hotel più lussuosi del mondo
7. The Royal Suite, Burj Al Arab in Dubai. $ 18,000 per night.
Le immagini dei dieci hotel più lussuosi del mondo Le immagini dei dieci hotel più lussuosi del mondo Le immagini dei dieci hotel più lussuosi del mondo
6. The Ritz-Carlton Suite, The Ritz-Carlton Moscow, Moscow. $ 18,200 per night.
Le immagini dei dieci hotel più lussuosi del mondo Le immagini dei dieci hotel più lussuosi del mondo Le immagini dei dieci hotel più lussuosi del mondo
5. Bridge Suite à l'île de Paradise Island, Bahamas. $ 25,000 per night.
Le immagini dei dieci hotel più lussuosi del mondo Le immagini dei dieci hotel più lussuosi del mondo Le immagini dei dieci hotel più lussuosi del mondo
4. Royal Penthouse Suite, Hotel President Wilson in Geneva. $ 33,000 per night.
Le immagini dei dieci hotel più lussuosi del mondo Le immagini dei dieci hotel più lussuosi del mondo Le immagini dei dieci hotel più lussuosi del mondo
3. Ty Warner Penthouse, Four Seasons, New York. $ 34,000 per night.
Le immagini dei dieci hotel più lussuosi del mondo Le immagini dei dieci hotel più lussuosi del mondo Le immagini dei dieci hotel più lussuosi del mondo
2. Hugh Hefner Sky Villa, The Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas. $ 40,000 per night.
Le immagini dei dieci hotel più lussuosi del mondo Le immagini dei dieci hotel più lussuosi del mondo
1. Royal Villa, Grand Resort Lagonissi, Athens. $ 50,000 per night.
Le immagini dei dieci hotel più lussuosi del mondo
Le immagini dei dieci hotel più lussuosi del mondo Le immagini dei dieci hotel più lussuosi del mondo Le immagini dei dieci hotel più lussuosi del mondo

Monday, February 28, 2011

Mossimo Red Patent Leather Heels

The beautiful Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef is the largest organic structure of the planet stretches more than 2000 km along the northeast coast of Australia for about 23 ° latitude, going up to the Torres Strait and the Gulf of Papua, over a total area of \u200b\u200bnearly 350,000 square kilometers, is held in a nearly uniform distance of 80-100 km from the coast, from north to Townsville and further to the south leaves even up to 200 km .

is not a continuous structure, but consists of a maze of coral reefs, small islands, the channels through which they circulate strong currents, sand banks and shallow water, which emerge at low tide leaving corals.

The reef is a particular structure of limestone that forms a belt along the coastal mainland and islands in tropical seas, was formed over thousands of years with the aggregation of millions of shells of protozoa (corals, coral, sometimes calcareous algae), and especially of small polyps, which measure from 0.25 to 1.50 cm and secrete its limestone casing.

The octopus has the body-shaped bag on top crowned by a tuft of tiny tentacles, by which catch the food consists of microorganisms transported by water, and when it dies its shell is grounds for a new body, so that growing on the reef itself up to considerable depth.

barriers make it difficult access and the approach to Somalia, the New Caledonia, Australia, as he had the opportunity to experiment in 1770 James Cook on his first contact with the ill-fated Great Barrier Reef.