Sunday, February 20, 2011

Prom Dresses Under 50 Dollar

Omissioni e tagli sulla guerra

From read the article by Don Antonio Cecconi , former vice president of the Italian Caritas, on Adista number 13 on the omissions and silences on war and arms sales. Finmeccanica

While full-page advertising on the future of its weapon-making activities, Ignazio La Russa signed a contract to buy 131 fighter jets, touched the face of cuts to other ministries, honoring a commitment of the government led by Massimo D'Alema.

Investment Programme which was the abstention of the Democratic Party.
operation cost 15 billion euro. Umberto Veronesi

also had wrote about the huge investments on their weapons at the expense of those for research.

Unfortunately, only the weapons they will agree the right and left as the silence that covers one of the greatest crimes against humanity, namely the production and sale of weapons.

Think of how much work, effort and resources are devoted, in the twenty-first century, this market of death.

Can you believe it not for the figures that sometimes come to the surface. It seems only

a distant memory the thought of Don Primo Mazzolari who wrote as the weapons are built to be used and then to kill , unfortunately, I might add, even in "peacekeeping" .

invest in schools, in research and innovation rather than in the noise of war.


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