ALL OF HARLEQUIN. And nothing. AND EVERYTHING. ( ITALIANO txt just below the image,
reach the end of this post)
I hesitated because a part of me did not want to "get over" the post previous to this.
but there are people to thank. physically near or far, they have been able to Starmie next in a profound way. all very unexpected for me.
to whom I dedicated a piece of his art, who has apologized for giving me the "support" late late because he has read (and of course you should not apologize for anything!) a chi ha voluto essere con me il giorno del funerale; a chi è solo un datore di lavoro o un cliente, ma ha trovato tempo e un modo che andasse oltre la semplice educazione formale per scrivere parole che mi "parlassero davvero"; a chi mi sopporta tutta settimana e vive con me e con me divide fatica, peso e paura a metà; a chi mi sopporta e sostiene e supporta sempre e soprattutto nel week-end, anche a scapito del suo meritato riposo; a chi mi ha tenuto ore al telefono; a chi ha offerto aiuto e la propria presenza, in caso ne avessi bisogno; a chi ha "imposto" la propria presenza, essendoci senza chiedere, perchè sapeva che ne avevo bisogno; a chi si è fatto ritrovare o mi ha ritrovato. a chi ha pianto con me; a chi mi ha aiutato to manage materials and bureaucratic sad things; to those who are not familiar or in person, came on tiptoe, to give a sincere support.
PS I put here a series of unnecessary close-uppini a mo 'to preview. is part of what I have done roughly in recent months, which I have already prepared and saved drafts of posts and post them in the coming weeks. illustrated, comic page, concept ...
ok, ok, the first to post it will be that of Harlequin, also because the publisher has published and speaks around it already.
little ENGLISH note : as I just said in the italian part of this post, I really want to thank all of my oversea/foreign clients and employers, who found the time to write me about my mom.
sincerely thanks.
...and sure you'll know well some of the pieces shown in this post as preview.