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Sunday, January 17, 2010
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Would My Mum Touch My Breasts
In every life experience that goes outside what we consider routine is something special and unforgettable, I believe that each trip represents something important because it is the easiest way to enter into communication with the world or, at least, with his small portion.
The size and beauty of the journey just completed in Senegal lies in this feeling of having started a dialogue with the world, with the Earth, with a small corner of Africa and Black, especially with people who live here. Immerse yourself in the reality of Senegal, we discover almost immediately that the timing of life are completely different from those in Europe: at first you justify this aspect of thinking that everyone is on vacation or relaxing as we do, but when we look back and see the people who are actually working, you understand that there is something different, something magical, something wise. In the frenzy that we are unfortunately accustomed to, is opposed to a lower pace of life and an enviable tranquility: all work, work so much, yet their work does not appear as a duty, such as anxiety, but as life and joy. One of
most unsettling aspects of Senegal is this continuous work: women who are bent down for hours and fuck the sidewalk in front of their humble abode. They use a small broom without a handle to avoid having dust and then, like magic, straighten and begin to dance and sing with joy. Their effort is enormous, yet the sublime in a hymn to life. More accommodation for hours on huge piles of freshly caught fish, while the children help as best they can, everywhere you can see endless fields occupied by people who busy themselves with all their forces to make their contribution, whether large or it small. Upset, though, especially the fact that the man works hard in proportion less of the woman, as if life depended more among women than men.
Rejoice, however, being greeted and looked so "strange" because our skin is white: it's a special feeling, sometimes positive other negative, but certainly not something that goes by without leaving us in inner reflections ! The feeling grows exponentially if, in addition to being white, walking in a strange way, as in my case: curiosity, fear, humor, joke ... these feelings are often mixed up in the faces and gestures of the Senegalese when they see a disabled white. The reactions that surprised me the most were those of population Saint Louis, Senegal, perhaps the city more "westernized" and wealthy from all over the country: in fact, almost all laughed and did a caricature of the way I move, as if I were a freak. Not having found elsewhere, this attitude and being, indeed, much appreciated in other places, small villages, for example, I wondered how bad the influence of the "welfare" statement on this issue, and therefore whether it is really good to be "rich" or whether, instead, face losing the wealth to those who achieved something important for the person.
When you leave the big cities and bougainvillea, is ha la possibilità di entrare a contatto diretto con la Natura, con quella savana che si pone come naturale confine fra il deserto e la rigogliosa foresta pluviale. È qui che i pensieri umani trovano la loro pista di decollo per alzarsi in volo e prendere in considerazione l’ipotesi che l’infinito possa trovarsi anche nel Mondo. Un infinito rosso e caldo in cui si ergono in tutta la loro maestosità fantastici baobab, le cui forme sembrano esaltare il naturale sforzo di confrontarsi con la gravità. Un infinito collinare che ospita innumerevoli animali più o meno addomesticati dalle popolazioni locali: il confine fra pascolo e parco naturale, infatti, non potrà mai essere così netto come si vuol far credere, ma ci sarà sempre a dialogue between the two areas, a dialogue that gives life to both.
exciting results, at this time, the opportunity to spend at least one night in the Niokolo-Koba National Park in an attempt to regain at least for some time that primordial harmony with the magnificent nature of which we will always party like it or not. Rather than return to her roots, what would define this as a necessary measure to go forward in life. It is no coincidence that wherever you go, you feel almost always the vital sound of the drums that beat to the rhythm of life, making Senegal a warm cradle where you can relax at least for a while.
Juri Roverato
Padova, January 8 03
In every life experience that goes outside what we consider routine is something special and unforgettable, I believe that each trip represents something important because it is the easiest way to enter into communication with the world or, at least, with his small portion.
The size and beauty of the journey just completed in Senegal lies in this feeling of having started a dialogue with the world, with the Earth, with a small corner of Africa and Black, especially with people who live here. Immerse yourself in the reality of Senegal, we discover almost immediately that the timing of life are completely different from those in Europe: at first you justify this aspect of thinking that everyone is on vacation or relaxing as we do, but when we look back and see the people who are actually working, you understand that there is something different, something magical, something wise. In the frenzy that we are unfortunately accustomed to, is opposed to a lower pace of life and an enviable tranquility: all work, work so much, yet their work does not appear as a duty, such as anxiety, but as life and joy. One of
most unsettling aspects of Senegal is this continuous work: women who are bent down for hours and fuck the sidewalk in front of their humble abode. They use a small broom without a handle to avoid having dust and then, like magic, straighten and begin to dance and sing with joy. Their effort is enormous, yet the sublime in a hymn to life. More accommodation for hours on huge piles of freshly caught fish, while the children help as best they can, everywhere you can see endless fields occupied by people who busy themselves with all their forces to make their contribution, whether large or it small. Upset, though, especially the fact that the man works hard in proportion less of the woman, as if life depended more among women than men.
Rejoice, however, being greeted and looked so "strange" because our skin is white: it's a special feeling, sometimes positive other negative, but certainly not something that goes by without leaving us in inner reflections ! The feeling grows exponentially if, in addition to being white, walking in a strange way, as in my case: curiosity, fear, humor, joke ... these feelings are often mixed up in the faces and gestures of the Senegalese when they see a disabled white. The reactions that surprised me the most were those of population Saint Louis, Senegal, perhaps the city more "westernized" and wealthy from all over the country: in fact, almost all laughed and did a caricature of the way I move, as if I were a freak. Not having found elsewhere, this attitude and being, indeed, much appreciated in other places, small villages, for example, I wondered how bad the influence of the "welfare" statement on this issue, and therefore whether it is really good to be "rich" or whether, instead, face losing the wealth to those who achieved something important for the person.
When you leave the big cities and bougainvillea, is ha la possibilità di entrare a contatto diretto con la Natura, con quella savana che si pone come naturale confine fra il deserto e la rigogliosa foresta pluviale. È qui che i pensieri umani trovano la loro pista di decollo per alzarsi in volo e prendere in considerazione l’ipotesi che l’infinito possa trovarsi anche nel Mondo. Un infinito rosso e caldo in cui si ergono in tutta la loro maestosità fantastici baobab, le cui forme sembrano esaltare il naturale sforzo di confrontarsi con la gravità. Un infinito collinare che ospita innumerevoli animali più o meno addomesticati dalle popolazioni locali: il confine fra pascolo e parco naturale, infatti, non potrà mai essere così netto come si vuol far credere, ma ci sarà sempre a dialogue between the two areas, a dialogue that gives life to both.
exciting results, at this time, the opportunity to spend at least one night in the Niokolo-Koba National Park in an attempt to regain at least for some time that primordial harmony with the magnificent nature of which we will always party like it or not. Rather than return to her roots, what would define this as a necessary measure to go forward in life. It is no coincidence that wherever you go, you feel almost always the vital sound of the drums that beat to the rhythm of life, making Senegal a warm cradle where you can relax at least for a while.
Juri Roverato
Padova, January 8 03
Ge Spacemaker Xl1800 Just Hums When You Turn It
Viaggio nel tempo
(NILO BREVE SPECIAL: 22-12-’01 05-01-’02)
Siamo tornati da pochi giorni da un viaggio in Egitto: è stata un’esperienza fantastica, semplicemente incredibile.
Era un viaggio speciale, il percorso era più breve di quelli tradizionali e i tempi erano allungati rispetto quelli usuali, perché tra i partecipanti c’erano anche persone con disabilità fisiche; era speciale anche perché si era superato di poco il tetto minimo di partecipanti. Non è stato un viaggio facile, lo ammetto, ma forse è stato eccezionale anche per questo: è da molto tempo che ho iniziato a credere che le mete più belle siano quelle conquistate con la fatica e col sudore, e… durante questo viaggio questa mia idea si è concretizzata più e più volte. Gestire una carrozzina in mezzo ai siti archeologici, tra le sabbie del deserto, su e giù dagli alti marciapiedi de Il Cairo, di Luxor, di Assuan o delle altre città, non è stato semplice: l’accompagnatore doveva essere forte e prestante fisicamente, doveva essere spesso aiutato da altre persone; chi stava in carrozzina doveva cercare di mantenere l’equilibrio, doveva fidarsi ciecamente di chi lo aiutava, doveva… doveva spesso alzarsi in piedi, aiutato da altre persone, per raggiungere luoghi dalla bellezza mozzafiato. Già l’Egitto ha luoghi la cui bellezza mozza il fiato sia in senso figurato sia in senso letterale: si resta spellbound in front of the tombs of the Pharaohs or in front of the numerous temples that rise on Egyptian soil and, if you have trouble moving, you go to sleep apnea in order to achieve these marvels. Despite these difficulties, we must also say that every Egyptian is always available to help those in need, works with all his might to bring a "disabled" in each place. It must be stressed however that it is virtually impossible to go to Egypt with an electric wheelchair: not only would be impossible to visit the archaeological sites, but it would not even turn to the cities because the pavements are very high and there are no ramps to get there! We must also inquire about the first hotels, because not everyone is suitable to accommodate a person with physical disabilities.
With these easy steps so everyone can go anywhere, because everyone has the right to see the world and its beauty! This sentence I would like to dedicate it to correct some little fellow, to say it mildly, annoyed by the presence of disabled people: I do not think there are men of Series A and Series B men, we are all skilled, we are all disabled, because we are all men with the same rights and duties! Perhaps this was the only "new" trip: I personally did much evil to be accepted and admired by the locals and be despised and offended by my countrymen, who considered to be the ones who have the right to see the world although they are often not even the ability to watch it ... I was sorry!
More than a space trip, it seemed a time travel: I really appreciated the chance to leave the tourist track, so I could enjoy fragments of everyday life. It was real life, lived by people who do not commonplace expecting the visit of foreign and continued their routine without having to prove anything to anyone. In my opinion this was the most exciting time seemed to stand still at that time of the pharaohs, farmers still seemed to breathe the same air that had made its live ancestors, who, probably, had helped dig the graves of the pharaohs, or to build the pyramids. This was the thought that invaded my mind and filled my heart with a thousand emotions along the meanders of the Nile or of parallel channels.
The same feeling pervaded my being when it was possible to disperse among the stalls in markets or municipalities where the sellers were trying to capture our attention for dealing with the sale of their goods: of course, have a cunning one, no one knows never what it's worth an object, you never know who cheats more, you never know if you purchase a good or a bad purchase, but the important thing is to tackle, the important thing is to establish a dialogue for a few seconds with ogni persona che si incontra per strada. A volte è incredibile come alcune persone seguano i turisti anche per chilometri e si mettano a parlare con loro, dando consigli sugli acquisti e sulle botteghe: non si capisce mai se loro abbiano la percentuale o meno, ma ciò che affascina di più è il calore immenso con il quale si è accolti. Spesso basta un saluto o un sorriso per sentirsi bene e per credere di avere anche noi un posto speciale nel Mondo.
La frenesia della vita si svolge quasi ventiquattro ore su ventiquattro lungo le sponde del Nilo e tra i viottoli delle città: sembra quasi incredibile, ma chi ha un negozio o un banchetto lavora praticamente sempre o, perlomeno, in qualsiasi ora del giorno o della notte si può trovare qualcosa to buy. Swarming along the Nile to the perennial contrasts with the quiet breezy desert that stretches to infinity only a few miles away over an infinite which surrounds and protects an ancient civilization that, in some ways, has managed to maintain communication with their origins.
January 8, 2002
Juri Roverato
(NILO BREVE SPECIAL: 22-12-’01 05-01-’02)
Siamo tornati da pochi giorni da un viaggio in Egitto: è stata un’esperienza fantastica, semplicemente incredibile.
Era un viaggio speciale, il percorso era più breve di quelli tradizionali e i tempi erano allungati rispetto quelli usuali, perché tra i partecipanti c’erano anche persone con disabilità fisiche; era speciale anche perché si era superato di poco il tetto minimo di partecipanti. Non è stato un viaggio facile, lo ammetto, ma forse è stato eccezionale anche per questo: è da molto tempo che ho iniziato a credere che le mete più belle siano quelle conquistate con la fatica e col sudore, e… durante questo viaggio questa mia idea si è concretizzata più e più volte. Gestire una carrozzina in mezzo ai siti archeologici, tra le sabbie del deserto, su e giù dagli alti marciapiedi de Il Cairo, di Luxor, di Assuan o delle altre città, non è stato semplice: l’accompagnatore doveva essere forte e prestante fisicamente, doveva essere spesso aiutato da altre persone; chi stava in carrozzina doveva cercare di mantenere l’equilibrio, doveva fidarsi ciecamente di chi lo aiutava, doveva… doveva spesso alzarsi in piedi, aiutato da altre persone, per raggiungere luoghi dalla bellezza mozzafiato. Già l’Egitto ha luoghi la cui bellezza mozza il fiato sia in senso figurato sia in senso letterale: si resta spellbound in front of the tombs of the Pharaohs or in front of the numerous temples that rise on Egyptian soil and, if you have trouble moving, you go to sleep apnea in order to achieve these marvels. Despite these difficulties, we must also say that every Egyptian is always available to help those in need, works with all his might to bring a "disabled" in each place. It must be stressed however that it is virtually impossible to go to Egypt with an electric wheelchair: not only would be impossible to visit the archaeological sites, but it would not even turn to the cities because the pavements are very high and there are no ramps to get there! We must also inquire about the first hotels, because not everyone is suitable to accommodate a person with physical disabilities.
With these easy steps so everyone can go anywhere, because everyone has the right to see the world and its beauty! This sentence I would like to dedicate it to correct some little fellow, to say it mildly, annoyed by the presence of disabled people: I do not think there are men of Series A and Series B men, we are all skilled, we are all disabled, because we are all men with the same rights and duties! Perhaps this was the only "new" trip: I personally did much evil to be accepted and admired by the locals and be despised and offended by my countrymen, who considered to be the ones who have the right to see the world although they are often not even the ability to watch it ... I was sorry!
More than a space trip, it seemed a time travel: I really appreciated the chance to leave the tourist track, so I could enjoy fragments of everyday life. It was real life, lived by people who do not commonplace expecting the visit of foreign and continued their routine without having to prove anything to anyone. In my opinion this was the most exciting time seemed to stand still at that time of the pharaohs, farmers still seemed to breathe the same air that had made its live ancestors, who, probably, had helped dig the graves of the pharaohs, or to build the pyramids. This was the thought that invaded my mind and filled my heart with a thousand emotions along the meanders of the Nile or of parallel channels.
The same feeling pervaded my being when it was possible to disperse among the stalls in markets or municipalities where the sellers were trying to capture our attention for dealing with the sale of their goods: of course, have a cunning one, no one knows never what it's worth an object, you never know who cheats more, you never know if you purchase a good or a bad purchase, but the important thing is to tackle, the important thing is to establish a dialogue for a few seconds with ogni persona che si incontra per strada. A volte è incredibile come alcune persone seguano i turisti anche per chilometri e si mettano a parlare con loro, dando consigli sugli acquisti e sulle botteghe: non si capisce mai se loro abbiano la percentuale o meno, ma ciò che affascina di più è il calore immenso con il quale si è accolti. Spesso basta un saluto o un sorriso per sentirsi bene e per credere di avere anche noi un posto speciale nel Mondo.
La frenesia della vita si svolge quasi ventiquattro ore su ventiquattro lungo le sponde del Nilo e tra i viottoli delle città: sembra quasi incredibile, ma chi ha un negozio o un banchetto lavora praticamente sempre o, perlomeno, in qualsiasi ora del giorno o della notte si può trovare qualcosa to buy. Swarming along the Nile to the perennial contrasts with the quiet breezy desert that stretches to infinity only a few miles away over an infinite which surrounds and protects an ancient civilization that, in some ways, has managed to maintain communication with their origins.
January 8, 2002
Juri Roverato
Friday, January 8, 2010
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Treiber Creative Extigy Windows 7
NeT-ArT - Spazio Virtuale di Arte e Comunicazione
NeT-ArT - Virtual Space for Arts and Communication
NeT-ArT - Virtual Space for Arts and Communication
Monday, January 4, 2010
Water Park Rides Schematics
two thousand things to say
year has gone bad, very bad. and why does it start promising the same effort, especially through April. and when the health of someone close to touching the end, the effort to make the force, even beyond the limit that the energy remained permit.
and, on a war footing, start again.
good in 2010, too late, because the times I do not ever guesses.
good 2010, and if I make a wish, I wish you strength, because it is good to build everything, even the sweetest and kindest.
try to be the companion, in peace as in war, I wish to have around.
guess the rest is on its own.
good 2010.
HEAVY METAL magazine hosts on the number of March , and in its original color version, Forgive me, Father (named for the occasion American Forgive me, Father ) story published in Italy in the anthology Monstars No. 3 - Nicole Publisher fish in 2008.
Perdonami, Padre (aka Forgive me, Father ) got a place in the HEAVY METAL magazine (march issue)!
Perdonami, Padre / Forgive me, Father story by Adriano Barone , art by me -Rom-
year has gone bad, very bad. and why does it start promising the same effort, especially through April. and when the health of someone close to touching the end, the effort to make the force, even beyond the limit that the energy remained permit.
and, on a war footing, start again.
good in 2010, too late, because the times I do not ever guesses.
good 2010, and if I make a wish, I wish you strength, because it is good to build everything, even the sweetest and kindest.
try to be the companion, in peace as in war, I wish to have around.
guess the rest is on its own.
good 2010.
- HEAVY METAL magazine - march 2010 -

Perdonami, Padre (aka Forgive me, Father ) got a place in the HEAVY METAL magazine (march issue)!
Perdonami, Padre / Forgive me, Father story by Adriano Barone , art by me -Rom-
- EXPOSE' n.7 - page 89 -
my Erzsebet Bathory was published sull'artbook EXPOSE ' No. 7 and has been around the world!
my Erzsebet Bathory pic published in the international EXPOSE ' n.7 artbook!
my Erzsebet Bathory pic published in the international EXPOSE ' n.7 artbook!
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